Why does my toddler hate me? Parenting must be the toughest thing in the world, so its no wonder that you ask yourself sometimes that question!
You feel like you did something so wrong because your toddler is not talking to you or plainly just avoids you. Being a parent means having to deal with rules and implementing them, but this can indeed make your toddler act out. What are the reasons that your child might you, and what can you do about it? Below are some things that you might want to consider.
Also you can read some advices on how to be a good parent.
Why does your child hate you?
There are so many reasons why your kids may ‘seem’ to hate you. For example, your child might feel a little unloved or neglected, but it can also be the circumstance you are in. for example, if you had a divorce with your spouse, your kid is highly affected by this as it will change the dynamics within the family. Thus, this hate that you are seeing might just be your kid expressing how he feels about the whole scenario. On the other hand, if you tend to yell at your kid a lot, this can also be the cause of that. It is necessary to understand why this is happening so that you are able to deal with it properly.
Kid assertion
Your kid might be showing some weird behavior that you do not understand, such as telling you they hate you and the like. So you might be thinking, Why does my toddler hate me? However, that is not usually the case as they can just be asserting themselves and developing their personal identity. This means that they want to be looked at as separate human beings or not as a child. They want to make sure that they are recognized as their own person, and that is why their actions are not making any sense to you at the moment. And while this can go on for some time, you should not worry so much and just keep giving your kid the love and support that you can.
Too many restrictions
Another reason might be that you are putting too many rules over his head. Basically, it can be that you are putting too many restrictions on what he can and cannot do. A child needs his freedom, and you need to make sure that he gets to do things that he likes as well. You cannot really protect him from doing everything, or otherwise, you will be getting the feeling that he hates you. This is because he sees you as the thing that opposes everything he wants to do. Instead, you need to allow him out into the world even if it is hard. You want to make sure that you allow him to have learning experiences, too, as it can be good for him.
The wrong influences
Your kid is like a sponge, and this means that he absorbs things that are around him, whether it is a trait or a personality. For example, if you let him watch things on television that use obscene language, the chances that he would say that too is very high. This is why you end up asking yourself, Why does my toddler hate me? Instead, you need to monitor his environment and make sure that you are going to provide him with influences that will be good for his mental health. You want your kid to love you, and the best way to do that is to show him that you love him as much.
Expressing himself
What you might see as hate might just be your kid having a hard time trying to express himself. While they might say they hate you, it can just be that is the first thing that comes to their mind. This is why you need to sit them down and talk to them about how they feel or what they really want to say, and you will find that things are more complicated than just a simple I hate you that they tell you.
Enjoy time with them
One of the things that you can do to reduce the chances of your child getting mad at you and you end up asking, why does my toddler hate me is to spend and enjoy time with them. Kids love attention, and they live for it. If you spend enough time with them, it will bring you closer, and it is going to help you bond. When you bond, you become inseparable, and you will be able to have better communication. Your child is bound to tell you how he feels, and you will be able to understand him better. Your kids are very smart people, and they understand and feel if you love their company.
Be patient
Just like how adults are, kids can be quite complicated and hard to understand. This is why you need to be very patient when dealing with them. You want to take your time in learning about them and figuring out the best way to communicate with them. When you are patient, you will be rewarded, and you will realize just how you will be able to properly talk to them in such a sense that they actually feel comfortable with you.
Let them be
Some children just want freedom, and you can give them that. Your child should be allowed to do things he wants every now and then. Do not try to control them but just guide them. Sometimes, you need to allow them to do things that can serve as a learning experience for them. You should allow them to do things that they actually enjoy and make sure that they understand you well when you disallow them to do things.
At the end of the day, you might still be asking yourself why does my toddler hate me and the answer to this is that they do not!
Kids have a hard time expressing how they feel, and sometimes they can be moody too. The best solution is to understand your kid better and allow yourself to listen to them.